First floor insulation with mechanical fixing
2000x600 - 1000x600 mm
35 - 50 - 75 - 100 - 125 - 150 - 175 mm
Compressive stress at 10%
deformation σ10
≥50 kPa
Reaction to fire
Euroclasse E
Water vapour transmission μ
5 (wood wool)
20/40 (silver-grey EPS)
Declared thermal conductivity λD
0.071 W/mK (wood wool)
0.031 W/mK (silver-grey EPS)
Declared thermal resistance RD
0.95 m2K/W (35 mm)
1.40 m2K/W (50 mm)
2.20 m2K/W (75 mm)
3.00 m2K/W (100 mm)
3.85 m2K/W (125 mm)
4.65 m2K/W (150 mm)
5.45 m2K/W (175 mm)