Celenit N
Thermal and acoustic insulation board, consisting of mineralized fir wood wool bound with grey Portland cement. Wood wool is 3 mm wide.
It complies with EN 13168 standard.
The boards are certified by ANAB-ICEA and natureplus for eco-compatibility of materials and manufacturing process.
CELENIT N is PEFC™ certified. Also available with FSC® certification.
  • High thermal inertia performance in summer conditions
  • Unaffected by rising damp and moisture
  • Water and frost resistant
  • High sound insulation performance
  • Water vapor permeability
  • Fire protection
  • Compressive strength
Coperture, Pareti perimetrali, Pareti divisorie, Solai, Ponti termici
Roofs, external walls, partitions, ceilings, thermal bridges
Technical data

2400x600 - 2000x600 - 1200x600 mm

15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 50 - 75 mm

Compressive stress at 10%
deformation σ10
≥200 kPa (15-40 mm)
≥150 kPa (50-75 mm)

Reaction to fire
Euroclass B-s1, d0

Water vapour transmission μ

Specific heat cp
1.81 kJ/kgK

Declared thermal conductivity λD
0.065 W/mK

Declared thermal resistance RD
0.20 m2K/W (15 mm)
0.30 m2K/W (20 mm)
0.35 m2K/W (25 mm)
0.45 m2K/W (30 mm)
0.50 m2K/W (35 mm)
0.60 m2K/W (40 mm)
0.75 m2K/W (50 mm)
1.15 m2K/W (75 mm)