Industrial Buildings
Industrial Buildings
Industrial Buildings

Acoustic levels in factories and other industrial buildings are generally higher than in other work places. Workers are exposed to very high acoustic levels, therefore it is important to design comfortable acoustic conditions to maintain the productivity and psychophysical integrity of the workers. In addition, production should not disturb people living near the production facilities.

Solutions with CELENIT sound absorbing panels provide very good acoustic comfort, protecting the workers from loud noise and reflecting light well. All this creates good work environments.

It is important to reduce loud noise in industrial buildings to avoid damaging the workers’ hearing. By now, it has been proven that many cases of hearing loss are due to continuous exposure to loud factory noise.

However, it is often impossible to suspend the acoustic ceiling in factories due to the presence of pipes and cables. A clever solution can be to apply the panels directly to the roof bearing beams or to the walls by using omega shaped profiles.

Industrial building designers should take other important aspects into consideration: fire protection and light provide protection for workers and good visibility in places that require large light sources. Wood wool CELENIT panels are in Euroclass B-s1, d0 or A2-s1, d0, and have light reflection coefficients up to 74%. These characteristics permit increasing factory safety and work environment comfort.